Raindrop.IO – A Bookmark Manager

So, I have had a Raindrop.IO account since 2020 – I tried to get into it but abandoned it pretty quickly as it would be a lot of work. So, instead, I just went back to my default Chrome browser favourites organiser. It is only recently that I actually realised that because I use multiple devices – I need my bookmarks everywhere. So, I decided to give Raindrop another go – but also this time build it from scratch.


Currently, this is what my account looks like. Though I am thinking of changing the structure. I am currently trialling the pro version for a month – but I think I will invest. I have realised the value of this tool. The main difference is that on the pro version I can nest collections and it keeps track of whether links are broken.

Setup: 28 April, 2022


I am going to continue having the pro version after my trial – as the way I can nest collections is proving very useful. I have also moved all my bookmarks out of Microsoft Edge collections to Raindrop. Even since the last screenshot, my setup has changed so much. In 8 days I have gone from 347 bookmarks to 515

Setup: 6 May, 2022

I still need to sort some of the collections. I also am tagging everything and need to sort out it, to I have a manageable system. However, I wish I had started sooner, as this is quite a good way to sort ideas. However, I am making up for lost time.

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