Endnote 20 – Some Thoughts


A year ago, I achieved a lifelong dream — I purchased my own copy of Endnote X9. Over the years, when I have been in further education — I have loved the idea of having Endnote. But I have never really had the need to have it, as I hold only a Diploma level of qualiforcation. This changed when I realised that I am a non-fiction writer and love citing my sources. 

In the past I have dabbled in undergradurate courses, for many reasons I have never completed a course. My best friend has said that, I am someone who likes research and finding sources; however, I want to use it as examples for what I am writing, and still have my opinion on it. Whereas in academics I have heard that you only have other peoples opinion. 

Since buying X9, I have become somewhat of an Endnote Engineer, tinkering away on my library trying to make it useful for me. Having it only a year may seem silly that I upgrade to Endnote 20. 

One of the main reasons for upgrading is that I want to do an Endnote course, so I can become more efficient at using it.While I could easily do that with X9, because there are some signifigant changes with 20 to its design that will make it easier to follow along.

I am also setting it up properly for the first time, getting my proper citations and connections set up. Some of the connection files, like State Library of Victoria, no longer work but there are to get references into my library so that doesn’t matter.

Even though I have only had the latest update a week or two I have found signifigant changes. Though musscle memory needed reprograming — editing styles and configuring templates is much easier to find.

The biggest reason for me to upgrade from X9 to 20 is that to me, an investment. Endnote is an investment in my writing. By investing in my writing it is an investment in myself.

Now all I need is an plugin or way to extract the notes I hightlight in the PDFs into Markdown so I can have less programs to do all the things I want. Until then, I have Zotereo for that, though, if you have any suggestions leave down below.

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